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Piñatex H-Harness – Raspberry

Piñatex H-Harness – Raspberry

Elegance and comfort for every adventure

Made with Piñatex, an innovative and sustainable material, created to be a valid alternative to animal leather.

Versatile for any occasion: elegant and soft, the cork harness is ideal for city walks or adventures in nature, ensuring that your dog feels at ease in any context.
Neck and chest adjustment: thanks to the neck and chest adjustment, the harness adapts perfectly to every type of dog, ensuring optimal comfort.
Vegan and eco-friendly: contribute to sustainability with a completely vegan product, respectful of animals and the environment.
Pineapple fiber fabric (Piñatex®): a quality material that gives elegance, softness and resistance.
Brass hardware: classy details that add a touch of elegance.

Perfect fit, unmistakable style:
To give your dog maximum comfort without sacrificing elegance.

    Regular price €35,00 EUR
    Regular price €62,00 EUR Sale price €35,00 EUR
    Sale Sold out
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    Informazioni aggiuntive


    Piñatex, un innovativo materiale realizzato dalle fibre delle foglie dell’ananas.
    Il filo utilizzato per le cuciture è poliestere riciclato e le minuterie sono in ottone antiruggine.

    Cura del prodotto

    Piñatex: utilizza un panno umido, con l’aggiunta di un sapone neutro delicato in caso di macchie più ostinate. Lascia asciugare all’aria, lontano da fonti di calore.
    NON lavare in lavatrice.

    Minuterie: l’ottone con il tempo tende ad ossidarsi e quindi a scurire. Per renderlo nuovamente lucido, sciogli del bicarbonato in acqua e utilizza un panno da strofinare sulle minuterie.

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