What does it mean to educate the dog?
Educare, from the Latin educere "to bring out".
What does it mean to educate the dog? Let's find out together.
Every dog, like every person, has a subjectivity, a temperament, a history and an experience that make it unique and that cause the individual to show certain behaviors in relation to situations.
When we decide to welcome a dog into our lives and build a relationship with him, our subjectivity joins that of the dog, because there is continuous communication that unites us.
In fact, if we consider the man-dog combination as a unit, which communicates continuously on an emotional level, it is easy to realize how much influence our emotions and the relationship we build with our dogs have on their behavior.
This is why it's important that within the relationship between dog and human there are: mutual respect, emotional understanding, listening and trust.
All this allows us to develop mutual empathy, for the transformation and spiritual growth of both. In fact, if we listen to ourselves, we too can learn many things from our 4-legged friends. Through empathy, we can understand the dog's emotionality and needs, also understanding the origin of incorrect behavior.
Only in this way can we be a guide for him and educate him to develop his own skills and to experience situations in the most suitable way.
Therefore, educating the dog does not mean giving him commands, but being a guide and following a path of growth and change with him.
In practical terms, the first step to take is not to expect the dog to behave as we expect, but to keep communication with him open.
For example, the dog might pull at the leash because he is too agitated or out of fear of a situation. Or he might be attracted to a particular smell and so he pulls to reach for it. Through effective communication, by offering him an alternative, we will be able to remove him from a situation that puts him in difficulty or help him find calm again in a moment of great turmoil.
Are there accessories that improve the management of the dog on a walk?
Absolutely yes, for this reason I always recommend preferring to use the bib for dogs that tend to pull, because it doesn't create physical damage unlike the collar. The other tool to be associated with the harness is the long leash, which allows the dog to carry out its exploratory and olfactory needs.
These accessories can help, but they shouldn't be considered a magic wand with which to solve the problem. The real resolution will come from working on the relationship with your 4-legged friend.